I've created a Substack where I will publish my debut novel, AWOO: The Association of Werewolves and Oppressed Otherlings.
Chapter 1 is up now for your reading pleasure, and new chapters will drop weekly.
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A left-handed blog chronicling the adventures of writer E. D. Jones.
I've created a Substack where I will publish my debut novel, AWOO: The Association of Werewolves and Oppressed Otherlings.
Chapter 1 is up now for your reading pleasure, and new chapters will drop weekly.
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I like this scene.
“Guys?” Rex said, pointing at something. Emily looked at the something.
At first, she couldn’t really understand what she was looking at. It was like one of those Magic Eye posters. She saw the grass median strip between the gas station and the road, and it was just a grass median strip. But then, something three-dimensional materialized, made out of the negative space, shadows, and somehow, out of the grass itself. It looked humanoid, but stretched, distorted, too tall, with long, spindly fingers. It was a shadow made of light, a figure made of nothing, but it began to walk toward them.
Friend or foe? Emily thought.
“What are you guys looking at?” Henry asked, squinting.
Emily had no idea how to explain to Henry how to see the thing she was looking at, because was it even there? She gestured at it. Henry squinted some more.
“Oh,” Henry said after a minute. He backed away from the entity. Emily took his lead and did the same. Rex abandoned the jerry cans, dropping the gas nozzle, and joined them.
“State your intentions,” Emily warbled at it, trying to sound brave and probably failing.
A grin appeared on what must have been the creature’s face, a series of shapes that only resolved into a face if looked at from a certain angle.
A voice crept into Emily’s mind, a voice made of starlight and whispers, sounds made of other sounds, only becoming words when Emily clearly focused on them.
The figure began to sing.
Hear me now, oh thou bleak and unbearable world, thou art base and debauched as can be.
As she focused on the figure, Emily’s eyes and mind resolved more of its features. The suit of armor. The sword. The Spanish accent.
And a knight with his banners all bravely unfurled now hurls down his gauntlet to thee.
“Don fucking Quixote?” Henry yelped from behind Emily.
I am I, Don Quixote, the lord of La Mancha! My destiny calls and I go. And the wild winds of fortune will carry me onward, withersoever they blow.
“Not just any Don Quixote,” Henry added. “The one from the opera.”
“Ok,” Emily said, “I mean, of course you’re Don Quixote. Why wouldn’t you be? But the important question is – are you friend or foe?”
The figure resolved into a solid form, no longer made of shadows and light and abstract shapes. Before them stood a tall, lanky knight with an epic mustache, wearing tarnished, ill-fitting armor, riding a malnourished horse, and carrying a rusty sword.
“The fuck is a Donkey Hotay?” Rex asked.
Emily stared at Rex, and then realized this was perfectly in character for him.
“There are way too many things you don’t know about, Rex,” Emily noted.
“Ok,” Rex said, shrugging.
Don Quixote dismounted his horse (which Emily knew was named Rocinante - not just from Cervantes, but also from a sci-fi show she liked) and looked at them with sharp, intelligent blue eyes. Then he looked at the gas pumps, especially the one with the dangling hose and nozzle that Rex had abandoned.
“Monsters!” he cried, and drew his sword, running toward the hose. Emily stood in front of him, like an idiot.
“They’re not monsters!” Emily called, putting her hands out to stop him. “They’re just tools. They’re not alive.”
“But they might be,” noted Quixote, and tried to push past her. She stood firm, even as the eccentric man began to point his sword at her.
“Stand aside, woman, and I shall dispense with these monsters once and for all!”
Emily started to protest, but she realized, as many in Cervantes’ novel had realized, that she couldn’t prove to Don Quixote that anything he thought was true wasn’t true.
“Knock yourself out,” Emily sighed. “Just let me get my guys and my stuff out of the way first, ok?”
This seemed to pacify Quixote, who scabbarded his sword and stood with his arms folded, waiting.
“I warn you not to get too close to these monsters,” Quixote said. “They appear to have snakes for hands. Perhaps some form of gorgon.”
Emily marshaled Rex and Henry, and together, they got their stuff situated, mounted their scooters, and rode away from the pumps. At a safe distance, Emily turned back around to watch Quixote fight the “monsters.”
The eccentric knight sliced the dangling gas pump hose in half with his sword, and gasoline poured out of the half still connected to the pump.
“Poison!” he cried, his voice and the smell of gasoline carrying farther than it should. He backed away from the spewing gasoline and stabbed at another of the pumps, embedding his sword into the display. Emily saw his body jerk and writhe with electricity, and then everything went up in a giant fireball as a spark met spilled gasoline. Emily felt the heat on her face, even from this distance.
“That’s a wrap on Don Quixote,” she muttered.
Not quite sure what to make of this one, so I'm just going to put it here.
The noise started as a kind of fluid static, a white sound, an incorporeal buzzing. The bookfly tuned its aureals to match frequencies with the sound, the sensitive organs twisting and vibrating in the bookfly’s head, trying to decode the sound’s meaning.
The sound changed shape again, and now the bookfly understood. It was the language of the magma sprites that swam in the oceans of cursed fire surrounding the library. The language was that of liquid rocks melting and reshaping, a percussive code just this side of sentient speech.
The magma sprites wanted to see the library, wanted to touch it, lick it with tongues of flame, consume it the only way they knew how. But the bookfly would not allow them to enter. It had channeled the power of the words to create a literary barrier between the library and the burning islands, a barrier the bookfly had maintained for as long as it knew itself.
The damage to the bookfly’s wing had weakened the barrier, giving the magma sprites a sense that they might have a way in. But the bookfly steeled itself, determined to maintain its barrier, drawing on all its strength, channeling the power of all the millions of words in the library.
The magma sprites would not burn the library today.
The bookfly flexed the translucent membrane of its damaged front wing. The page patch held, for now, and the wing felt stronger, not truly healed, but reinforced, scaffolded. The bookfly refocused the library’s shield, the glow of the patched wing’s words helping to strengthen the shield against the tentative probing of the magma sprites.
But the noise from outside grew stronger, a cacophonous grating, a tectonic shuffling, a grinding and yearning. The library floor shook with the rhythm of the magma sprites’ insistent cries. The weakened barrier crackled with damaged language, slowly erasing the encasement of words that gave the barrier its power. Words crackled, broke apart, reformed, took on new meaning. Some words disappeared, burned as fuel to bolster the barrier.
The bookfly crawled toward the door, its six slim feet tapping a soft tattoo on the marble floor of the library. It flexed all six of its wings, channeling even more power into the barrier. Its damaged forewing needled with a tang of pain, but the bookfly remembered more of the story of the boy and the medallion and the dragon, and it sent those words out, and the barrier glowed with renewed power. The bookfly felt new words settle on his damaged wing, knitting together a story of healing, of strengthening, of mending:
The dragon smiled when it saw the boy
The shining medallion in the boy’s hand
Reaching out to the dragon
The boy, tired from his walk, dirty, hungry,
Looked the dragon in the eye and said
“Why do you need this medallion?”
And the dragon responded,
“I do not, but the burden should not be yours.”
The crystalline doorway to the library shook and crackled, the magma sprites’ probing increasing. The bookfly shivered its wings, faster, and faster, a keening vibration increasing in volume and pitch, picturing in its mind the sound sliding through the subatomic gaps in the solid structure of the library, a sonic wind pushing past the protective barrier and blowing the magma sprites back into the flaming sea. But its damaged wing wouldn’t sing the same notes as the others, and the bookfly’s sonic assault crackled with dissonance, collapsing against the inner wall of the library. The bookfly tried again, willing its damaged wing to sing with the others, but it felt the page patch weakening and beginning to tear, despite the newfound power of the words from the story of the boy and the dragon.
The bookfly tried to remember the end of the story.
And the dragon reached out a golden talon
And plucked the medallion from the boy’s hand,
And swallowed it whole.
And the boy sighed and collapsed to the ground
And slept the sleep of the just
And the dragon curled itself around the boy
To protect him from all the burdens
that children shouldn’t have to bear.
The final words of the story soaked into the bookfly’s broken wing, and the bookfly felt stronger. It tried again, shaking and straining with the effort, its six wings now signing in unison, and the sonic wind shot outward through the cracks in the solid and through the strengthening barrier, blowing the magma sprites away from the library and plunging them back into the sea of fire.
This done, the bookfly collapsed to the floor, exhausted from its defense of the library, and slept the sleep of the just.
And the library curled itself around the bookfly.
I've just finished watching Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire, and the words "For Ivan" pop up in big text over the Ghostbusters theme playing triumphantly in the background as the movie fades to black.
If ghosts were real, I think Ivan Reitman would be angrily haunting that film set right now and trying desperately to get anyone's attention and tell them the sad truth:
This isn't a good movie.
There were a lot of things that went into making the original Ghostbusters movies classics, and this movie attempts to mimic them. But it just doesn't come together. It feels like a series of scenes cut together with little attention paid to an overarching story. Characters feel flat, except maybe Phoebe Spengler. McKenna Grace does a pretty good job with what little she's given, and her 'meet-cute' with the ghost of a teenage girl who bests her at chess ends up being a key part of the story. Nice of the Ghostbusters franchise to hint at queer content, but it's not nearly enough to salvage the mess that is the rest of the story.
Let's take the soundtrack as an example. Sure, we've got the jaunty, iconic theme music. You're hearing it in your head now. It's there. It's sometimes amplified into orchestral arrangements that kind of work thematically. But that wasn't the only music in the original Ghostbusters movies. You know what else was in those movies? Pop music. Fun '80s pop music. Who can forget the music in the scene in the 1984 movie where the ghosts all come out of the sky beam? Well, this movie has a sky beam, and the music doesn't really change for it. It's still a variation on the original theme music, and it just doesn't feel right. And what about Savin' the Day? This movie could have added some fun pop music. Maybe something nostalgic from the '80s. Maybe something modern. It did none of this.
But what about the plot? Well, see, here's where the movie really falls apart. The movie feels chunked together, like it was written in pieces, with no real idea of how the pieces fit together until the end. There is a plot, and it's fine, as plots go, but the pacing is all wrong. Scene jumps happen seemingly at random, with the action in the prior scene not really wrapping up, or the prior scene not really having a point to it at all, only to go to a new scene that isn't really connected to the prior scene. And plot elements are just sort of dropped in willy nilly. And then there are people put into the movie just because they're funny people, and they're funny for their scenes, but they don't really have a character. Kumail Nanjani's character is pivotal to the plot, but he's just Kumail Nanjani playing a guy. Patton Oswalt is in the movie, and he's Patton Oswalt playing a guy. James Acaster is in the movie, and he's James Acaster playing a guy.
Let's analyze the 'climax' of the movie, if it even has one. The BBEG, a thing with horns that wants to freeze the world for reasons that are never really explained, has rolled in this big ice storm into NYC that freezes everything in place. But the ice storm is really polite. It gives our heroes plenty of time to hang out in the firehouse and talk about how to fight it before it even begins to get even a little chilly out. Meanwhile people on the beach were frozen while running away, in a scene essentially stolen from Geostorm.
The ice storm gives Phoebe time to cut down the firepole, melt the brass, and reforge her proton pack with it.
What the actual.
Ryan George and Cinemasins are going to have a field day with this thing.
The original Ghostbusters movies had beautiful, stupid, overblown, triumphant climaxes. The first movie had the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man. The second movie had the Ghostbusters riding the Statue of Liberty down NYC streets! This climax is a bunch of people shooting the BBEG with a whole lot of particle beams - inside the firehouse. Blah.
I suppose I should have seen this coming with Afterlife. I didn't hate Afterlife. It has some fun moments. And for some reason, afterward, I really wanted to go to Wal-Mart and get some Baskin Robbins, but that's beside the point. The point is that Afterlife brought back Gozer, the BBEG from the original movie, and Gozer was great, but...kind of flat. In the original movie, Gozer's menace was that Gozer was the bringer of the Destructor, and she asked humanity's heroes to choose the form of the destructor - thus leading to the Marshmallow Man. In Afterlife, Gozer appeared, tore a guy in half, sat on that big throne, said a few things to the conveniently appearing Peter, Ray, and Winston (are you a God? Yes, yes we are. Get it?), and then got chased through a cornfield and eventually defeated. No talk of the Destructor or of choosing its form or anything like that. It was just - "hey, here's Gozer, isn't that cool? Now check out this slightly cringe hologram of Harold Ramis."
And so it went with this movie. Hey, here's a proton pack! Here's Ecto 1 rolling down NYC streets! Here's Slimer! Here's the firehouse! Here are the original characters! Here's that evil EPA dude, who's NYC mayor for some reason, and he still wants to shut down the Ghostbusters!
You also need a coherent plot, guys.
Nothing comes together here, and I just didn't care about the plot or the characters.
I'm sad. Ghostbusters is one of my favorite franchises. I unabashedly love both the 1st and the 2nd movie. And I liked the 2016 movie. And I didn't hate Afterlife.
But this...this just...sucked.
I'm not sure I can consistently keep up both a Facebook author page and this blog. I'm keeping both, but if you don't see a lot of action here for a while, check Write Sinister on Facebook. I'm more likely to post there for now. Stay sinister, my friends.
Cubes and Spheres
The blue robots had always carried the spheres. That was how it was, and it had been that way since anyone could remember. The blue robots carried spheres, and the red robots carried cubes. Both spheres and cubes were equally essential to the functioning of the machine, and with each assigned their role, everything ran smoothly.
Until one day, a blue robot picked up a cube. For the purposes of this story, we’ll call this robot Dave.
Dave stared at the cube in its hands, feeling the weight of it, and the cube felt right. It felt natural. Dave hoisted the cube and continued its trek towards the machine.
A red robot stopped him. “Why are you carrying that cube?” It asked.
“Because it feels right to do so,” said Dave.
“But blue robots carry spheres,” said the red robot, “and red robots carry cubes.”
Dave thought about this. The red robot was not wrong. Deep in Dave’s programming, it knew the history of the machine, and how there had always been only one way to feed it. Red robots carried cubes, and blue robots carried spheres.
Yet as Dave looked at the red robot, Dave noticed something. Dave had always assumed that the two kinds of robots had each been designed differently – one best suited to carry cubes, and one to carry spheres. But Dave’s arms looked identical to the arms of the red robot. There was no reason why a blue robot couldn’t carry a cube, and there was also no reason why a red robot couldn’t carry a sphere.
And, to Dave, it felt right to carry a cube.
So Dave pushed past the red robot and continued along its way to the machine.
Another red robot stopped him.
“Why are you carrying that cube?” it asked.
“Because it feels right to do so,” said Dave.
“But you should be carrying a sphere,” said the red robot.
“Why?” asked Dave.
“Because blue robots carry spheres,” said the red robot.
“Have you ever tried carrying a sphere?” asked Dave.
The red robot was silent for a few moments, and then said, “No, because I carry cubes.”
“Why do you carry cubes?” asked Dave.
“Because it is my function,” said the red robot.
“And what is the reason that a blue robot cannot carry a cube? I seem to be able to carry one without difficulty,” said Dave.
“But blue robots carry spheres,” the red robot repeated.
Dave decided this debate was going nowhere, and went on its way toward the machine. The red robot did not stop Dave.
When it reached the machine, Dave realized it didn’t know where to put the cube. It was Dave’s first time carrying a cube, and it only knew where to put spheres.
A red robot approached. For the purposes of this story, we’ll name this red robot Jack.
“Why are you carrying that cube?” asked Jack.
“Because it feels right to do so,” Dave answered. “But I do not know where to put this cube.”
Jack was silent for a few moments, and then said, “The cubes go to the back of the machine, where the Counter sits.”
“The Counter?” asked Dave.
“The one who calculates the number of spheres and cubes needed for the machine to operate. Follow me.” Jack walked toward the back of the machine. Dave followed.
“You’re the first blue one I’ve seen carrying a cube,” said Jack. “Why are you doing that?”
“Because it feels right,” Dave said.
“Really,” said Jack. “That is interesting.”
“You do not object?” asked Dave.
“My programming tells me that blue robots carry spheres, but I can find no logical reason why you shouldn’t be able to carry cubes,” said Jack.
“Many other red robots would disagree,” said Dave.
Standing at the back of the machine, in front of a stack of cubes, was a human. Dave recognized the human as being male, and elderly, with a long white beard. The human held an electronic tablet, and he was tapping on it with his long human fingers.
“What’s this?” asked the human, looking up. Dave proffered the cube.
“Just put it on the stack,” said the human, and gestured behind him. Dave walked over and set the cube on the stack. It heard the human muttering as he manipulated his electronic tablet computer. “Current budget is…twenty thousand cubes…thirty thousand spheres…”
These words meant nothing to Dave. It turned and began walking back to pick up another cube.
“Wait,” said the human. Dave turned.
“You’re a blue robot. Why did you give me a cube?” asked the human.
“Because it felt right to do so,” said Dave.
The human was silent for a few moments, and then said, “Ok, that’s fine, just… tell me if any more of your blue friends start carrying cubes. It’s fine, really, but I’ll need to recalculate some things.”
“Why do blue robots only carry spheres?” asked Dave.
“Honestly? Because way back in the day when the machine was designed, that was just how it was decided.”
“But it is not immutable,” said Dave.
“No,” said the Counter. “It’s just the way it’s always been done.”
“So I can carry cubes,” said Dave.
“I guarantee you that the machine doesn’t care,” said the Counter.
Over the next few days, Dave continued to carry cubes. It was stopped frequently by red robots, demanding that Dave drop its cube and pick up a sphere instead, but Dave merely repeated what the Counter had told him: “I guarantee you that the machine doesn’t care.” This put a stop to most of the red robots’ protests.
But not all.
Once when Dave approached the machine, contentedly clutching its cube, it was stopped by a large group of red robots. One at the front stepped forward.
“Put down that cube, blue robot. You are to carry spheres.”
Dave paused, and then tried to reason with the red robots.
“The Counter said, ‘I guarantee you that the machine doesn’t care.’”
“But it is not the way. Blue robots carry spheres,” repeated the red robot.
“Why?” asked Dave.
“Blue robots carry spheres,” the red robot leader repeated.
“Blue robots carry spheres,” the red robots behind the leader repeated in unison.
At that moment, a second blue robot appeared next to the first one. For the purposes of this story, we’ll call the second blue robot Sally.
Sally was also carrying a cube. Dave looked at Sally and nodded in greeting.
“Stop,” said the red robot leader. “You are both in violation. Give us the cubes and go get spheres, as you are meant to.”
“No,” said Dave.
“No,” repeated Sally.
With that, Dave and Sally continued walking forward, toward the machine. The red robots let them pass, because it was unlawful for one robot to harm another.
Dave and Sally approached the Counter and deposited their cubes in the stack.
“Two of you now? Ok,” said the Counter. He typed furiously on his tablet computer. “Any other blue robots carrying cubes?” he asked.
“Unknown,” said Dave.
“I know of at least three others,” said Sally. “And I know of one blue robot that sometimes carries cubes and sometimes carries spheres.”
The Counter looked up from his tablet and squinted at Sally.
“A blue robot that carries both?”
“Yes,” said Sally. “Is that acceptable?”
“It’s fine,” said the Counter. “Complicates things a little – have to recalculate some budgetary stuff, but it’s like I told your buddy here – the machine doesn’t care.”
But when the two blue robots walked back to pick up their cubes, they found that the cube storage area was now guarded by a garrison of twenty or more robots, both blue and red.
“Blue robots carry spheres,” the garrison of robots said in unison.
“The machine does not care,” said Dave. “The Counter said so.”
“Blue robots carry spheres,” the garrison repeated.
“Why?” asked Sally.
“Blue robots carry spheres,” the garrison repeated.
And so, with no recourse, the two blue robots retreated to where the spheres were kept.
There they were confronted with a similar garrison of blue and red robots. But this garrison let the two blue robots in.
Dave picked up a sphere. Somewhere in Dave’s programming, this felt wrong, and error messages flashed in Dave’s memory core.
Dave dropped the sphere and stood silent for a moment. It watched as Sally also picked up a sphere, held it for a second, and then dropped it.
“I cannot carry spheres anymore,” said Sally. “All I want to do is carry cubes.”
“I also want to carry only cubes,” said Dave.
“And I want to carry both,” said another blue robot from behind Dave. Dave turned to face this new ally.
“And the machine doesn’t care,” said Dave.
“Frankly, I no longer wish to carry spheres or cubes,” said another robot from nearby. “Surely there are other roles we blue robots can fill.”
“And I want to carry spheres.” Jack, the red robot, emerged from the shadows.
“How did you get in here?” Dave asked.
“I’ve been hiding here since before the garrison formed. Now I’m a little bit trapped,“ Jack said.
“I have an idea,” Sally said. Sally walked over to the blue robots’ maintenance shed and brought out a can of paint restorer.
“We can paint you blue. Then you can carry spheres.”
“This is acceptable,” Jack said. Sally applied the paint restorer, and soon, Jack shone a brilliant blue.
“Perfect,” Sally said.
The formerly red robot looked at its newly blue arms and said, “This looks right.”
“Good. Let us go reason with the garrison. Surely they will understand,” said Dave.
The three blue robots walked out of the sphere storage area, past the garrison. None of the robots in the garrison noticed that one of the three was a formerly red robot now painted blue.
As they approached the garrison around the cube storage area, the three robots saw that the Counter had emerged from his spot behind the machine and was already talking to the garrison.
“But the machine doesn’t care,” the Counter was saying.
“Blue robots carry spheres. Red robots carry cubes,” the garrison repeated in unison.
“You are all smarter than that,” said Jack, approaching the Counter and addressing the garrison. “I know, because I am smarter than that.”
“Yes, you are,” the Counter said, nodding at Jack. “We programmed you with adaptable minds. And the important thing is the machine.”
Dave, Jack, and Sally stood in a line next to the Counter.
“We need to feed the machine,” Dave said. “It does not matter how we feed it.”
“Blue robots carry spheres. Red robots carry cubes,” the garrison repeated.
“Look, honestly, it doesn’t matter,” said the Counter. “Carry whatever you want. Just get the spheres and cubes to the machine. Now. Time is a factor. Ok?”
“The Counter speaks truth,” Dave said. “The machine does not care.”
In the distance, Dave heard a sharp, metallic noise, the sound of something grinding, something stopping.
“See? The machine stopped,” said the Counter. “Is that what you want?”
“Blue robots carry spheres. Red robots carry cubes,” the garrison repeated.
“Christ almighty. I thought we’d have an easier time with robots. You’re supposed to be logical. Is it logical to let the machine die?”
“Blue robots carry spheres. Red robots carry cubes,” the garrison repeated.
The lights began to flicker overhead.
“We’ve got like 15 minutes to figure this out before I run out of air, die, and leave all of you to rust,” said the Counter.
At that moment, Dave noticed something happening with the garrison. Some of the robots began to move away from the entrance to the cube storage area. There was a commotion as the garrison broke apart. About half of the robots kept shouting about blue robots carrying spheres and red robots carrying cubes. The other half moved toward the Counter and took their places near Dave, Sally, and Jack.
The two sides were now basically evenly matched.
“Stand down,” said the Counter. “We need to figure this out rationally, and quickly. Or, as I said, I’m going to die, and you all are eventually going to run out of power and also die.”
But the face-off continued, with the garrison holding firm and repeating its litany about the proper roles of blue and red robots.
“I do not understand it,” said Dave. “Why will they not budge? Why do they not see?”
“I don’t know,” said Jack.
“It doesn’t make sense. Why jeopardize the machine?” Sally asked.
“Our purpose is to feed spheres and cubes into the machine. Let’s do that and stop worrying about who brings what,” Dave said to the garrison.
“Blue robots carry spheres. Red robots carry cubes,” repeated the garrison.
“Ok, watch this,” Jack said, walking over to the sphere storage area. As before, that garrison let Jack through. Jack grabbed a sphere and carried it back to the standoff.
“See this? I’m carrying a sphere.”
“Yes, you are a blue robot,” said a member of the garrison.
“But am I?” Jack handed the sphere to Dave, who promptly dropped it. Jack scraped some of the paint off its arm and brandished the now red appendage toward the garrison. There was a murmur.
“You have disfigured yourself,” said one of the red robots in the garrison.
“No, I have been repainted,” said Jack. “According to your rules, which should I carry?”
“You are a red robot,” said someone in the garrison. “You should carry cubes.”
“Let me just—look, I can’t emphasize this enough,” said the Counter. “I guarantee, I promise, I swear by all the Gods that might have ever existed. The machine doesn’t care who carries what. I don’t care who carries what. Nobody cares who carries what. We just need to get these spheres and cubes to the machine. Now.”
Dave noticed the Counter’s breathing was getting shallow. Dave scanned the Counter’s vitals and realized he was, in fact, running out of air.
“This ends now,” Dave said, and nodded at the other robots on his side. Together, they advanced toward the remaining garrison. The robots of the garrison advanced, repeating their mantra. “Blue robots carry spheres. Red robots carry cubes.”
The two sides met in the middle and stared each other down. Neither side could advance further, and because of their programming, they could not actually fight each other.
“Please…” the Counter gasped. “Please just get some spheres and cubes to the machine…”
The Counter collapsed to the floor, gulping for air.
“Blue robots carry spheres. Red robots carry cubes.”
Dave tried with all of its might to push past the garrison robots, but Dave’s programming just wouldn’t allow that.
And now the Counter lay silent on the ground, unmoving.
The two lines of robots stared at each other as the lights flickered off.
“Blue robots carry spheres. Red robots carry cubes.”
The words echoed off the walls and ceiling and meant nothing.
I keep rereading "Ferryman," the story that I've sold to publishers twice now. Not to toot my own horn, but I daresay it's a damn good story. Best I've ever written, by a long shot. If you'd like to hear the story read out loud, you can do so here: https://fictionpodcasts.com/.../ce51cb39-9d54-503d-ab12...